Cleaning Fruits and Vegetables

               Dr. Ron Fuller – Health Educator and Consultant

                        CLEANING FRUITS & VEGETABLES?

Both the conventionally-grown and organically-grown fruits and vegetables are contaminated with insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers, even the Niagara region’s fresh crops. The soil has dirt, sand, grit, as well as bugs, grubs, slugs and insects. The crops are handled many times at various stages of harvesting, shipping and at other venues.

“Even after washing, lettuce was found to have high levels of bacteria such as Pseudomonadaceae, Enterobaceria, Staphylcoccacea and listeria”

(journal reference Food, Science and Nutrition 2017, November 5(6):1215).

“Washing helps a little, not much” Dr. Lina Velikova, MD).

Hazards of handling crops:

1.crops with rinds such as avocado and cantaloupe need brushing and washing since the cutting can spread organisms

2.melons – do not buy as pre-cut

3.wash the exterior of cans, jars, bottles

4.shellfish (actually not healthy due to sea contaminants) contain organisms

5.some fruits and vegetables are nearly impossible to clean eg. cauliflower



The Young Living Company product under the name

‘Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray’ is made from Pure Essential oils of :

ROSEMARY leaf extract

LEMON peel oil

EUCALYPTUS radiata leaf oil

CLOVE bud oil

CINNAMON bark oil

  plus sodium citrate, glycerin, citric acid, water.


Directions : spray the item and place in jug of filtered water for 3 minutes, then rinse under filtered tap water


- 49ml spray bottle $11.50  /  473ml refill bottle $35.20


Order WHOLESALE    647-643-1080     YL Member#4393830

