Dr. Ron Fuller – Health Educator
and Consultant
Young Living Essential Oil
unique water-dispersible formula that makes it 24 times more bioavailable
than standard turmeric products, combining the benefits of high-quality
turmeric and prebiotics into a delicious mango rose drink.
most active polyphenol is curcumin.
supports the body’s response to inflammation, immune response, joint health,
mobility, dexterity… and recovery after exercise
research references below).
glass can support healthy digestion and the gut-brain axis.
body will absorb the same amount of curcuminoids from 300mg of ‘Golden
Turmeric’ as it does from 1,926mg of standard turmeric.
Ingredients :
tapioca fibre
rhizome extract
resin extract (Frankincense) – superb immune system support
leaf extract
mango flavour
– digestive aid, anti-inflammatory, antifungal
Moroccan rose flavour – protects liver and DNA damage
peel essential oil – antiviral, antibacterial
Directions : mix ½ teaspoon of
powder in 6-8 ounces of water or juice.
pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult a
health care professional.
Research support - there are more than 10,000 peer-reviewed
articles proving benefits of turmeric….6,000 year track record of safe use.
Viruses November 12, 2020 confirmed effectiveness of turmeric against
Arthritis & Related Inflammatory Diseases 2014;
Bioactive Foods & Dietary Intervention for
Diabetics 2013 reported turmeric
to be an “effective anti-inflammatory alternative to non-steroidal
anti-inflammation drugs”
Journal of Neurochemistry August 2007 and Oncogene August 2007 and
Ageing Research Reviews 2019 reported turmeric inhibits expression of nitric oxide
synthase enzyme & of COX-2 and of metalloproteinase and of TNF tumor
necrosis factor
Journal of Medicine Food August 2016 conducted a meta-analysis of randomized clinical
trials confirming benefits for arthritis; also in Science Reports May 19, 2015;
Chinese Journal Integrative Medicine January 28,2014
Journal Phytotherapy Research April 2009;
Journal of Medicine Food April 2016
Cancer Prevention Research 2011;4(3):354 the primary polyphenol curcumin has ability to
selectively target cancer stem cells with little to no toxicity for normal stem
cells and was shown to be effective against multi-drug resistant cancer
Critical Reviews Food Science Nutrition April 2021 found significant improved recovery from post-exercise
muscle pain
Critical Reviews Food Sciences Nutrition 2020 found help for neuro-psychiatric disorders such as
Life Sciences October 2014 reported on benefits for wound healing
Integrative Medicine Communications 1998 found benefits to skin texture
National Institutes of Health NIH/NationalCancer
Institute and Cancer Letters 2016 concluded
significant improved quality of life; also in Biomedical Pharmacotherapy
2016; Cancer Chemotherapy Pharmacology 2017; Biomolecules
November 2020
Digestion Diseases and Sciences November 2005 found benefits for inflammatory bowel disease IFB
Drugs 2008 journal reported that turmeric was as effective as the
drug Avorstatin for cholesterol regulation and improved endothelial blood
vessel function
Plant Foods For Human Nutrition July 1993 concluded benefits for detoxification
‘GOLDEN TURMERIC’ 1.4 ounces / 39
grams $43.00 U.S.
ORDER WHOLESALE https//myyl.com/drfuller 647-643-1080
www.drfullerlife.com email info@drfullerclinic.com
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